2024+ Plans for the future
Plans for the future
In 2024, iBOXiT plans to execute a project titled "Beyond Boxes - Valorising non-EPS Container Waste." This project focuses on developing a sustainable alternative to single-use expanded polystyrene (EPS) packaging by creating a biodegradable, bio-foam box infused with slow-release fertiliser and wrapped in a seaweed-derived film.
2024 What are we currently working on?
What are we currently working on?
Twenty The Pallit® units entered circulation at an aggregates supply company and performed perfectly despite the tough environment.
After meetings with fisheries businesses, iBOXiT started developing an anti-microbial solution, partnering with the University of East Anglia.
2023The packaging revolution continues
The packaging revolution continues
iBOXiT is awarded a grant from UKRI, and the Food For All project gets underway to bring all our inventions to market for 2024 and beyond.
2022 Testing goes ahead on the heavy duty The Pallit®
Testing goes ahead on the heavy duty The Pallit®
…with twenty entering circulation at an aggregates supply company. Despite the tough working environment, The Pallit® performs perfectly.
Development of iBOXiT's anti-microbial begins after meeting with several businesses within the fisheries industry. A partnering with the University of East Anglia results.
2021 Heads begining to turn
Heads begining to turn
Large pallet manufacturers have their interest piqued by iBOXiT's inventions. Meetings show that The Pallit® is the ideal alternative to the wooden pallet. Refining of the light duty and heavy duty Pallit® continues, along with EPS box replacements. RFID tag technology is incorporated into iBOXiT designs.
2020 Further research into an EPS replacement
Further research into an EPS replacement...
…points iBOXiT toward a search for a simple but effective, recyclable, insulated box. Research starts on materials suitable for a heavy duty variant of The Pallit®, adhering strictly to producing a lightweight, recycled and recyclable pallet alternative.
2019 Alongside The
Alongside The
…iBOXiT starts design work on a replacement for the Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) box used within the fisheries industry. Designs vary from collapsible crates made from recycled plastics to insulated, waterproof cardboard boxes.
2018 One step closer to the perfect Pallit
One step closer to the perfect Pallit
John Farley becomes involved in the wholesale fish industry in Scotland, which leads to innovation further down the road. The search for a forward-thinking plastics injection-moulding company, who value ecology, recyclability, and problem-solving ethics, yields contact with Fergus Christie.
2018 Investors come on board…
Investors come on board…
…giving iBOXiT funds to further test and improve materials and alterations to the designs. Research continues, and many companies looking for cost savings and ecologically-sound logistics alternatives express interest in The Pallit®. The Pallit® goes for official weight testing.
2017 The Pallit®
is born…
The Pallit®
is born…
…in two major variants. The first being a box pallet with a lid and internal bracing, perfect for loose material loads that need to be kept dry; and allowing stackability in transport, fully utilising space and fuel. The second is a direct replacement for the ubiquitous wooden pallet; light, strong, made from recycled materials and readily recyclable.
2017 Trialing the
Trialing the
Testing of the single layer pallet shows that a stronger build is required to stand up to the rigours of warehouse use. Working with Rob Cole, the idea of a screw spacer holding a top and base board together, in the place of the usual wooden blocks, revolutionises the idea.
2016 iBOXiT
Searching for an ecologically sound, lightweight pallet alternative; John Farley researches the feasibility of a strong cardboard pallet. The first prototype; a single-layer with surface mounted feet, it was ideal for loads under a tonne - the average weight of most loads.